Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sci Fi novel excerpt


The Bargain:

“Of Eilesium, realm of Minyas, and of the Lilaea, who dwell beyond Euboea. Cnossus stands at Llotoll in rugged Olizon-Hypereia, where lies Oloosson and lofty Erithini-Xanthus.”

There, in depth of the Praxithea Ocean, where continental slopes terminate-upon the vast Abyssal Plain, lived a clan of Naiad Scceers waiting for the seasonal, equatorial swell. And down below them, in hard-bound deep, where-nothing-survives, a chasm called Oxe, thick with bottom-pressure lay undisturbed in freezing-darkness.

In their gyral, the tidal currents did finally rise and set, floating the spring harvest over Onyx Plateau. This is for what the Naiads had patiently waited. Now was time for Orces’ family to gather-harvest for the long, dangerous journey back to Eurx-Majoris. For it would be soon when these currents would turn, and bitter coldness would flood its way, creeping from North Polar Basin.

Orces, so strong a Naiad, and brave a Scceer, had battled numerous attacks from hungry Gracx-Oceanid hunters. And, so, again, these Gracx-Oceanids at-once attacked the feeding Naiads, who upon seeing their enemy, quickly dove-to-deep Oxe chasm. Immediately, two Naiads got caught in the strata and were severely torn apart, devoured.

Safety was usually found at the mammoth jaws of Oxe chasm. However, the Gracx, great with hunger were relentless in their pursuit. Thus Orces with the other Naiads found themselves diving quicker-deeper into Oxe than was comfortable. And still the Gracx came swooping, untroubled by bottom-pressure-quickly-mounting. And still Orces dove into the high-depth.

Finally, all the Naiads had been plucked away by the savagery of the hungry Gracx-Oceanids. Only Orces remained alive, yet barely so, crushed and choked upon the chasm floor. This was deeper than a Naiad’s death-float and Orces struggled in the freezing weight.

Strapping itself around tight, Orces fought with the pounding ocean, bottoming in hard-bound deep where-nothing-survives. Orces remained still, unmoving in pain upon-bottom of Oxe chasm, with luminous flash-floats suspended in its thick murk.

As wounded Orces lay dying upon the floor, a vaccum-current warm with upper flow grabbed the Naiad. This welcome turbulent boundary’s circulation-warmth began pulling Orces into Oxe’s deep caves. Long did Orces scrape and bump, flowing along the way until coming to rest in a large chamber, rough with pumice-rock.

Then a Naiad’s voice came out whispering to Orces’ blurred vision saying, “Taste your blood, spilled like such delicate soup here in our cold Praxithea sea. You are well below even your death-float. How can it be that you came to unfortunate rest here into this presence, Scceer?” And Orces did force out an answer, “I fought against Oceanid hunters who sought to devour me and my family. I was the only one who survived, yet barely so.” And the voice whispered from out freezing-darkness: “Truly, you are to die here, are you not? Crushed in such pain, you struggle upon the dank floor.” And Orces did answer, “Yes, I will pass soon over the Onyx Plateau. As we speak I can feel myself slipping away from this, my terrible state.” “Then Satsam can offer you a bargain.” answered the voice,

“You are Orces, so brave a Naiad and strong a Scceer. It is very unfortunate if you die here in-cold-darkness, you, so young, being only twenty-eight moontide passed since birth.” And Orces questioned the voice, “How is it that you know me?” And the voice answered, “Satsam, knows you and many other things. And now you know of Satsam, who can help you regain some of what you have lost.” Orces bravely answered the Uudt, “Yes, I have heard of you, Satsam, repulse of Ra. But why is it that you would help me, so small a thing compared to you, Uudt?” And Satsam, repulse of Ra angrily answered Orces, saying, “Satsam can tell by your words you have read the old Scceereon-style. Satsam will restore your life and give you strength tenfold of what you were born with. You will live for many moontide to come, and live well with your new-born health. All you have lost can be restored. You only need to ask. But know that you will bear Satsam a burden of deeds that must be fulfilled by your health.” And Orces said, “Yes, please, take away my pain, whether you mean to put me down into death or to lift me upward to health.” The Uudt then told Orces the bargain, “Satsam shall lift you upward into a great health, but you shall promise to perform two deeds for Satsam in return. If you do not fulfill your promise, you will be torn apart to death horribly upon the seventh moontide hereafter. Not only this, but any one you touch, and any children you may bare will also suffer a horrible death at Satsam’s severe hand. And so, knowing the promise you must make to Satsam, do you still wish to live?” Orces in hasty-torture-thought any future deed must be better than to die in the here and now. And so, Orces said yes to Satsam, repulse of Ra. “And with yes, you seal your fate to Satsam’s bloody deed, Orces, Naiad, Scceer.” said the Uudt to the dying Naiad.

With this the Uudt lord, Satsam, repulse of Ra, came out of the darkness and touched Orces lightly, once upon the face leaving a mark that appeared as a black star. Immediately thereafter, from the very prick within the middle of this star, Orces felt heat surging, and was filled with amazing strength, so that not even the great crushing-depth could harshly close-in-around any longer. Orces cried out, “I did not know how strong strong could be until I felt it coursing in my veins like a thousand Golgotha teaming upon the Geldens’ Shore.” And Satsam said, “Yes, feel it well, Orces, for now you owe Satsam a debt that your strength affords you to pay.” Orces’ voice bellowed in the darkness of the cave saying, “Yes, then tell me what is your will. For I have never felt so ready to perform than here and now. I shall carry out your deed in full, for I am truly in debt to you for your amazing gift.” Satsam laughed, saying, “How brave you are, but also how naive. Now you must go kill two Kalkan priests who have been telling the masses of Sceers in all the Oceans of Satsam’s horrible ugliness. These priests would, to destroy Satsam. One is of the name Zohn Danymede, who resides in the heart of your national beast, Cathedral City. The other is of the name Fessoj Lebank, who resides in Eilesium, realm of Minyas. You must stab them when they are in the height of their assembly, in the church, with all the population of followers present to witness the severity of your violence. You must carry out the deed, voicing to all that it is done in the name of the righteousness of Satsam.” Hearing this, Orces became conflicted and turned very sad. For Orces knew of these priests, one who lived in the capital of Scceers, Cathedral City, and one who lived in Eilesium, realm of Minyas. Orces also knew that these two  priests likely were good Scceers, upstanding-in-community, who spoke only truth and light.

Orces thrashed, realizing how truly dark the deed was, then saying angrily to Satsam, “Why, with all your power, do you not kill the Kalkans yourself, Uudt?” And Satsam angrily returned, “You small, little fool. Though Satsam is Uudt, and powerful, Satsam is bound into forever-darkness by that power of fire, Ra, that burns forever-brightness in the sky. Stop asking questions! Satsam is dark-zenith, which repulses exactly against Ra, otherwise Satsam would fly off this world into outer darkness. If you ask any more questions, Satsam will kill you! And when all of Eurx is black with fallen darkness, the glow of moons casts enough fire into the night sky, shimmering down onto the sea to burn Satsam. Because of this, you, pure Orces, must brave the high waters of the shallow-depths where during the daytime Ra touches and burns, and kill the priests who reside there.”

Then Orces thought, “If this Satsam cannot leave its inner-darkness to kill the priests, then I can also avoid Satsam’s wrath by staying in the shallows where Helios-Ra burns brightly one and a half days and where heavy Thalia, small Aglaia, and tiny Euphrosyne shall guard my night.” But as soon as Orces thought this, Satsam laughed again and said, “Yes, Satsam cannot kill pure souls, but you are now of the shadow and under Satsam’s touch. Yes, for Satsam has touched you and you bear the shadow-string to Satsam’s grasp. You and everyone else you touch hereafter are forever bound-physical to Satsam by this shadow of the onyx star. Know this, Orces, and do the bloody deed, otherwise be torn apart by Satsam’s wrathful hate.” The Uudt then hastily said, “Now Satsam must flee, for the weight of our brighter sun, Ra, is burning its way close.” And Satsam disappeared, draining itself into deep cracks, leaving the healed Orces alone in the pitch cave at the bottom of Oxe chasm to follow out upon horrible business.

For the next day and night Orces was magnetized. This magnetism increased to unbearable when Orces faze-shifted from deep-to-shoreline. Orces went-to-surface wanting to feel Helios-Ra shimmering-upon-skin once again in order to shake cold-darkness of Satsam from the body. So the brave Naiad came up-to-surface, bobbing the outer atmosphere. Then as a sudden tidal wave breaks its peak into deadly foam, Orces was carried to that terrible surface of mourning and deposited there-stranded for a time, wailing and wailing the loss of a whole family of eight beloved Naiads.

Orces was truly conflicted on the recent circumstances and thought, “Is it better to die, to be torn apart, than to stab to death with vile temperment, two good Kalkan priests? I think I shall be torn apart, for I cannot commit such low and horrible acts.” And Orces shook in frustration.


It was four moontide passed when Orces, awaiting a sure death, travelled the lonely Eastern Current over the Abyssal Plain, and happened upon an old Lilaean friend from Beyond-Euboea named Odem-Codoc. They had met when they were just calves upon the mountain-island shelves, being one of them a grazer, and one a cleaner. Young, they travelled the outer rim of the Northern Scceer Empire for three moontide following a herd of bobbers. Together they had run the Laxian Trench for a whole moontide with three unruly Golgotha named Taggat-Onr, Felx-Vok, and Drew-Onx.

Orces, upon seeing this old friend, cried out, “Dear Codoc, could that possibly be you after all these moontide, here, in such a void place of Eurx?” And Odem-Codoc shouted out, “Here, old friend, it is I! Here I am! And you, Orces, have surely grown!” In the frenzied moment Codoc slapped against Orces in greetings and began talking in earnest about all that had passed in their lives. Then a terrible thought struck Orces in the middle of their conversation. Orces abruptly yelled out, “Oh, death-float of mine, look at the sinister black mark that grows where I have touched you, Codoc! What a terrible, horrible fate! With friendly touch I betray you and strike you down!” Orces remembered the words of Satsam, and knew well, that now, after one touch, Odem was fated to die likewise upon the seventh moontide. At once the talk grew very grave, for Orces had to explain the ordeal with the Uudt Lord, Satsam, and the date of their death. Hearing the whole story without saying a word, Odem then calmly answered, “Yes, it truly is a horrible fate, now mine also. Let us go and kill those priests and make good with the Uudt so as not to perish.” Orces opened slowly to the idea, but said, “Surely we will be hunted down by Scceereon and be put to death anyway.” And Odem answered, “Yes, that is possible, but to kill the priests is our only chance to escape. Perhaps after the killings we could flee to the Praxithea beyond the ice flows, or to Sakrah basin in the large vegetations. To kill those poor priests is our only escape.”

Being now responsible for such a good friend’s death only made Orces feel more endebted to fulfill Satsam’s evil deed. And so, they travelled eleven hundred echoes over the plain by way of rugged Olizon-Hypereia to the grand capital of Scceers, Cathedral City, to plan their sinister business.

On the journey to Cathedral City, Orces and Codoc stopped in Cnossus at Llotoll at a weapons shop and inquired the shop owner about stabbing-knives. The owner brought out finely-made stabbing implements carved from heathbone and marcaroon. “These will surely protect you well with their deep, deadly sting.” grumbled the shop owner. Orces thought, “If only they were for protection my heart might remain pure.” Orces and Codoc solemly bought the two knives and quickly made their way on to Cathedral City.

Twenty days later the two Scceers finally passed Thor’s Twins, the gateway to their capital, and saw for the first time the vast floor-horizon aglow with the magnificent sprawl of Cathedral City. Orces said in amazement, “This is definitely the Emperor’s city.” “I have never seen anything more beautiful.” answered Codoc.

Upon entering the city’s outer grid, Orces and Codoc were assaulted with an array of sounds. Such was it a difference from the abyssal silence of the outer rim, the two friends found themselves nearly losing their composure, due to all the voices of the Cathedrialians flying about, and the booming and scraping sound of commerce-machinery all throughout the city. Orces’ skin became raw and pained with the vibrations. They followed the directions given them by some helpful citizens toward the old, inner part of the city known as Central district. The two friends, weary from travel, stopped and rented a room at Injax-inn to rest before carrying out their horrible task. “Rest we must,” said Codoc, “but we must also make haste, for the longer we wait to carry out these killings, the longer my inside turns in painful disgust and sadness.”

The Priest, Zohn Danymede was lecturing to an assembly of roughly two-thousand, when two rogue Scceers, Orces and Odem both flew up onto the stage. They frantically exposed the daggers from within their garments, yet when Orces came up close enough to feel the static of Zohn up close, Orces could not do the deed. And so Orces dropped the blade and it fluttered to the floor as the crowd scattered and rolled, bumping each other, screaming in anxious frenzy. Codoc, seeing this also was overtaken and likewise dropped the dagger. Codoc sparked, “I cannot do it. I can never do it.” And Orces re-sparked, “Yes, I also will not ever be able to do this. Let Satsam have its way, for I should very well have been eaten by those starving-Oceanids.” And at this, Orces’ statement, the stars disappeared off both their skins, and Orces felt at-once weak. Just before the guards then-hastily took Orces and Codoc for questioning, Orces rolled in joy, seeing the mark lifted and feeling the physical-energy tie to Satsam completely broken-off. 

After they were disarmed, searched and harshly interrogated by Scceereon authority, Orces and Codoc were secretly sent to a special panel for discussions of the Uudt Satsam.  There were not many encounters with this elusive Uudt, and Scceereon was interested in the particulars. Galap Frut was head of this panel, called: Commission for Uudt Understanding. This panel was set up by our Great and Ancient Emperor: Drewag-Owr, in order to learn about our Uudt co-habitants here upon Onesphereous.

After discussions for a time, Galap was convinced and called-static-synapse to bring Emperor, Drewag-Owr who was within close-proximity.  Orces and Codoc were made to wait within a round room with refract-windows for this chance encounter.

RoyalAdvisorClass entered the hall in-flashing-in primary colors, stretching long spark-trails, bending down-low and proclaimed in a strong, long tone:

“All heed the Great and Ancient Emperor: Drewag-Owr.”

Orces was shaking-outward, for this, this was truly unbelievable. When hearing [seeing] the majesty of RoyalAdvisorClass along with the eight-voice and the words, Orces and Codoc were both-taken and lost their breath. For they had been ever-only in the Outer-Rim-Currents most of their lives, and had surely-never actually seen a static-exclusive, RoyalAdvisorClass breed before in first-hone. And now they were in split moments also to meet Drewag-Owr, AncientEmperorClass, Emperor of all Scceereon.

In with majestic-glide came the Emperor-Owr. The Emperor seemed much-larger than Orces and Codoc expected-physically. Being in the same room, Orces could hear the Emperor’s static first-hone. It shifted from filthy, color-swirling to primaries-intervalled, and in grand-meter. It was high-grande-metre, too-high for Orces to-count. Owr sparked not a word, but directed-ear steadily upon Orces.

All bending down-low in The-Presence, RoyalAdvisorClass then said: “You both, Orces, Naiad and Odem, Codoc: We gather information of these Uudts for Scceereonephereous. Emperor is wise in these matters and will leave no current-unfathomed nor its source unapexed in this respect. The good Emperor was to hear-upon-you personally, for through your true-deeds you exposed yet another facet of this strange-elusive Uudt-Satsam. So please, do tell-story once again as you have to the Commission, and enlighten-tale of this Uudt Lord Satsam repulse of Ra.”

After all was told, the priest Zohn Danymede, who had been hidden-watching,  appeared-moved-through window, bowed-low and said, “Yes, it is fascinating how this was diffused through your will for goodness, Orces. Yet you have not even asked why a Uudt would be afraid of, and want killed a mere old Scceer as I.” As Danymede said this, Orces inflated, “Oh, I had not ever even thought of this! How is it that this supposed powerful Uudt would work so long to try to thwart you off?” Zohn Danymede sparked in shortest wavelength-whispering, “There are many things affected by Satsam here within Eurx, and upon the outer atmosphere of surface also. This Uudt, we found, is an unraveller mechanism. Truly a tragic state for it, for had it found a proper cling-stone, it would not have repulsed. Yet now it is within the reverse Uudt vibration and causes much more destructive force upon Scceereon than need be. Our great Owr, and RoyalAdvisorClass here, have found many ways this destructive Uudt force is thus applied.”  Codoc silent-abrupt came in frustrated, “How? How is it thus applied? If I may humbly ask?” RoyalAdvisorClass sparked in now medium wavelengths, “Satsam seethes-out dark-slow-static through fissures travelling upwards upon our cities’ entirety, which seeps upon the minds of all Scceers and even low-breeds of Eurx, to opposing seas, up pushed-through the wet, mountain-veins of the surface dwellers also.”

At this time Drewag Owr, Emperor of Scceereon, spoke, “This specific dark-static has high-vibration yet such the inverse. It has a structure that is opposite-built of that which We all need to peace-ourselves-over. Thus, this dark-static seeks upon our minds to reverse-order and thwart high society-mind with eventual-perpetual chaos. This is surely not needed, for nature itself has a high-order-law that already states thus. So, We find ourselves in double jeopardy, tipped out of balance. We must find a way, and have perhaps found a way,” then whispering in smallest-wave, “to once-and-for-all-time, thwart-off this dark repulse of Ra Uudt, Satsam.”

RoyalAdvisorClass then took-up immediately, as if Owr and this Spark were one in the same mind, “To ask this Uudt to follow you and not know where it may go- it shall be bound to follow. And follow blind it must toward Ra-hence thrown severely off into outer darkness.” Danymede then moved toward Orces in friendly gesture and very quietly said, “This is the secret to destroy this Uudt and it knows this fact better than you or I. Had you had the presence of thought to ask this when you met this repulse...” and Danymede ejected low filthy static upon the floor in contempt, “...had you the presence of thought to ask this of the Uudt, you may have been able to eject this presence from Onesphereous. Yet, I know you were in great pain, crushed by high-force.”

The Emperor then sparked, “Satsam is a coward, for these obvious reasons, and operates in a most furtive, underlimbed manner.” As they all spoke to each other they slowly moved closer together so that they floated in-circle. As soon as Owr sparked this, Orces felt a great pain come mysteriously burning up inside from core and screamed-loud. Everyone started and at once paddled backward, yet it was too late, the scream-arcs connected with everyone in the room. All immediately and intensely heard-upon Orces hard, in stunned silence until Codoc, who had been presently astounded-listening, observed and thusly screamed likewise, “My Eta-crashing! How cruel is this? Look, look, now we all have the dark star upon us! It has returned in such terrible wrath!” At this all searched themselves and in horror-fright beheld the onyx star, mark of Satsam upon their bodies, just where Orces’ arc touced.
Drewag Owr angrily said, forming in old, sharp-symbol, “This was the Uudt’s plan all along, for it must to know our plans and has sent you hence to destroy us all. Now we have-must to take flight against all that is common, to seek out this Uudt in its dark, cold high-depth, to ask of it to follow in blindness-eject from all Onescceereonesphereous.”

Upon the appearance of the mark, Orces felt the dark-strength once again filled and said, “Gather a team of knowledgeables, divers if possible, good Emperor, and I shall take them to Oxe Chasm to try to find this terrible Uudt. For we only now have two-with-one-half moontide left before we all become torn. Its strength that has transposed to me shall now be, if possible in-luck, returned upon its owner in sharpened-wrath.”

“In-high-luck, highest.” sparked back-short-wave RoyalAdvisorClass, bowing low to the tragic event unfolded.

It was then discussed that it was most imperative the other priest marked by Satsam for death, Fessoj Lebank, who resided in Eilesium, realm of Minyas, should be at-once contacted and consulted. Lebank was thought to be the utmost authority on Satsam. This was to be a journey, for Minyas was sixteen-thousand echoes farther than the Shallot Abyss. And the voice channel would not suffice to call for Fessoj, for there were permanent shadow zones that fell in terrible strafes all along this traverse. RoyalAdvisorClass also concluded that no Kalkan relay-post could be trusted with said information to call Fessoj through rounder-estranged voice channels, for that many minds yell-relaying the name Fessoj Lebank through Eurx would surely rattle Satsam’s Uudt ear. “We must turn our thoughts inward in this perilous time so as not to alert the Uudt to our plan.” exclaimed Drewag-Owr.

In-sparked RoyalAdvisorClass, “Therefore, since We and we are thusly quarantined by this cursed-onyx star, and since also We are the utmost of authority, perhaps I shall accompany you, Orces-Naiad, and you, Odemcodoc toward Minyas to personally speak upon this Fessoj Lebank-Axt.” Codoc then frighted, “This priest is an Axt? Is this safe? That must mean that we are to go to the far, cold South of Minyas, where I had not ever expected nor in my most terrible dream dared to go.” Orces being more read upon the topics of geography then grumbled to Codoc, “Where did you think Eilesium was to be found, with the smaller Kalkans of North Minyas? Why then have you never heard of the Eilesium raids, the starvation of those poor Neptunes and cannibalism? In all your moontide, how could this have met so improperly with your ear?” Then directly to the emperor, Orces recalled, “My emperor, Satsam told me that both priests were Kalkans.” At which Owr pointed to RoyalAdvisorClass, who said, “Yes, however these Uudts may lie if they wish. They have no need to be respectful of Falxia, nor anything else that swims, creeps, walks or flies unless they are asked first. Or perhaps its mind is clouded, for it is repulse. And within my personal gathering, those with any standard of repulse may have a volatile-charge, yet synchronously it clouds true-sight.”

Drewag-Owr then said, “Friend, AdvisorCharge, you are a tribute to your breed, for you are surely brave to leave the moorings of Cathedral City. I am also thus quarantined, and so shall also go to this realm of Minyas, to Eilesium, to speak to this Axt-priest, my strictest authority once there revealed, thusly to strong-arm Fessoj Lebank into spilling-hot-current. For this Axt, Lebank, operates in-clandestine with followers who shut themselves inward. We have been observing them of late and have incommunicado, one-charge-loyal who has infiltrated their protective-compound. However this agent has not yet been successful in seeing their inner sanctum of Ollum.”

RoyalAdvisorClass breathed hard, struggled-outward and likewise spilled, “My emperor, if it is your wish to fly-Eurx, it is law. Yet, I tremor under the weight of this most exposing-action.” Owr said, “I shall go nevertheless, AdvisorCharge.” At which RoyalAdvisorClass bowed low in the words and spilled again, “Perhaps We ought take our special high-force-unit for the journey, armed to the very high-clouds of Gelden!” Owr then clasped RoyalAdvisor saying, “No. Hold thy spark, RoyalAdvisor, We must not make any spectacle of ourselves. We must traverse quietly as possible. For We seek only information. And wisely, I know the way of traverse. I shall disguise myself so as not to be detected by any Scceers, or otherwise. No fear, dear friends. Your emperor was not always ancient nor powerfully-immobile. I have even run the Laxian trench some long moontide ago, and even in double-winter currents.”

And so Orces and the rest made way to the center of all Scceereon, Onyx Cathedral, in order to gather rest and supplies for the long journey to Eilesium. They were brought to the main information-room and observed the heavy-liquid pool, whereby RoyalAdvisorClasses would relay-voice-channel to form true images and symbols pooling. Codoc was astounded and must have looked it, for then RoyalAdvisorClass said, “Yes, Codoc, Emperor’s viewing pool is of an extremely high resolve. See here how you can see the skin protrusions, as we static-project the image of Fessoj Lebank. Notice how we can rotate this image in total-spherical-degree. Notice also how the limbs may move as was remembered by our source relayer. Codoc and Orces both then became frightened as they observed the heavy-Eurx-pool, for they saw images of this Axt-Fessoj Lebank, while behind were fragment-images of other terrible Axt gathered in abundance flashing in and out of the Advisor’s call-static. “We must go there.” Orces solemnly said. “Yes, surely, there we must.” bravely resparked RoyalAdvisorClass.

So set forth Orces, Codoc, RoyalAdvisor, and Owr, out upon their journey to the Realm of Minyas, to Eilesium to speak with Fessoj Lebank about further strategies in order to rid themselves and all of Scceereon and all of Onesphereous of the terrible Satsam repulse of Ra. Owr wore a thick cloak which draped over all peculiar static pulses and nearly the entire face so that no Scceers might happen to recognize their emperor. It was not uncommon for RoyalAdvisorCharges to run out to the outer rims with small groups for political business, so the group was rather innocuous in appearance as they moved out throughout the city and passed-through, beyond Thors Twins.

Orces and Codoc were naturally apprehensive about going to Axt territory, for the Axt had segregated themselves to certain low loop currents in the far outreaches. Two days journey out, it was decided by the group to finally stop for rest in Euboea, for they had been battling seawinds coming at them from right angles which made running-path difficult. Instead of coming to Gharriad as they had meticulously planned, they had been forced over the two days many degrees off-path. So they found themselves camping at sea-floor in the outskirts of Euboea. “Hopefully once we get to the alongshelf-flow the wind will be upon our backs.” said RoyalAdvisorClass. The group camped at the bottom of a small rise in a cleared circle of kelp and broke open provisions to eat. Owr asked, “RoyalCharge, do you know this territory?” RoyalAdvisor fumbled with the travel-cube, turning it this way and that and formed sharp symbol for everyone to watch, “The maps indicate that we should begin our ascent over the Galgath Range tomorrow, even as yet we cannot hear them, they are high peaks and it would be laborious to have to climb-steep from their base. Beyond that the only thing is the last Lilaean outpost, Astrynthya, from where begins the abyssal plain. Then it is a matter of a straight journey across through five cold-columns passing left, fifty-two degrees through the South Equatorial Current, then Callas Basin catching-into South Minorous Current down, down to Minyas.” Codoc, gulping down shalkmeat, spat out, “Astrynthya is the place of my birth, so I know that area well, but what of these Axts? I have heard that they can push into your mind’s static and take you. Is this true?” AdvisorCharge reassured Codoc, “Yes, they have fierce thought-static-arcs that can penetrate and control, yet our AncientEmperorClass here and I, have even stronger static gland-configurations and shall block you out of any induced trance.” Owr then added, “Yes, their brainwashing techniques are quite advanced, whereby they have for seeming-eons of moontide wreaked havoc and warfare before Scceereon Unification. However, if we may penetrate the outer uncultured-Axt territories without incident, We believe Fessoj Lebank will not directly try to harm us. All our sources indicate that Fessoj is now directly concerned with higher matters than that of violence and war. And even though they are outer-rim-segregated breeds, the Axt mostly follow their appointed leader, Lebank, who loosely follows Scceereon law. Therefore We do not expect to encounter violent resistance. Those Scceers who find trouble with the Axt in this modern era are those who have low-thought and cannot speak Axt metaphor properly, so thus they are either enslaved in thought or torn apart-eaten. As was done to those poor Kalkans and Neptunes within close northern proximity.” RoyalAdvisor abruptly added, “We have been reading these Axt texts, whereby we have discovered the high-paramount of their preferred language interchange, which may seem tedious to you, Orces, Naiad and Odem, Codoc. We advise, once we are within their presence, that you speak as little as possible and only if you are asked.” Owr then laughed and said, “That should be no trouble for you Orces, since you have been relatively-wholly silent this whole time.”

Orces had been very silent, but it was due to the fact of the presence of the Emperor of all Scceereon sitting-close, in-proximity there eating, and here in such a strange place and situation. RoyalAdvisorClass was also quite a spectacle in speech and in form, being entirely luminous with static fissures running up and down all lengths, sparking in pulses of primaries. Orces thought it somewhat ludicrous fate that had brought them all together, that now they camp in-void just before the eastern Abyssal Plain eating frollik and shalkmeat like some group of good old camping friends. So Orces merely rested upon the floor, stunned into silence, listening.

Yet sitting there eating, Orces heard a watchful eye clicking from out the kelp. “Hark, there, something moves-watching us.” At once all gathered up floating and engaged theiır static to thrive. Then out from between long kelp strands came a non-luminous crawler. “Who are you?” RoyalAdvisorClass strongly said in base-tones, to which was answered, “Me? Oh, I am Debb. I live just over the bluff. I was only looking for something to eat when I smelled your shalkmeat. It is shalkmeat is it not?” Codoc, annoyed then snarled at the low crawler, “This is not for you, crawler! We only have enough for us.” Then added Orces, “We are on a long journey and must conserve our food.” Owr was annoyed with Codoc’s harshness and said, “Peace friends. This Eurx dweller is yet also a Scceer herein Scceereon. I am sorry small friend, yet Orces is right, we only have enough food for our journey and can spare none.” At this RoyalAdvisorClass bowed low in the words of the Emperor Drewag-Owr, at which Owr quickly sparked to the side, whispering frantically into AdvisorCharge’s ear, “Quit with the bows! Remember, here in void Eurx I am merely your counterpart in journey, not anything... else!” At which, upon being reprimanded, RoyalAdvisorClass began to bow even-lower, then at once halted and straightened up very stiffly sputtering short-waved apologies.

“Where you all headed?” asked Debb. “We are drifting southward toward Euboea.” exclaimed AdvisorCharge. “Ah, yes those damn Lilaeans.” said Debb. Odem, being a Codoc-Lilaean, inflated a bit and asked, “Of what matter damns the Lilaeans?” Debb happily crawled into the center of camp, spun around, whipped tentacles and fanned in anger saying, “Oh those damned Lilaeans, a whole herd of cleaners! They never leave anything to eat for us Srezboles. We have had to move down here to pick flash-floats for eating. Ugh!” “Why do you not migrate, Debb?” asked Owr. “Because we are waiting for Toddog to return.” said Debb. “And who, may we ask, is Toddog?” returned AdvisorCharge. “Well, that is hard to say, for I don’t rightly remember. However, I know that when Toddog returns to us all, we will get all the things we need. It was written down somewhere, but our memories are too-poor while our life is too-long.” spilled Debb. “Well can you find that which it was written upon and re-read it so that you will know when Todogg will come back?” said Codoc now beginning to be outwardly-annoyed. “Yes, we could find that thing where it was written. It was put in a very safe place so as not to get lost.” said Debb scratching and whipping tentacles round and round. “Then go get it and read it!” returned Codoc. “Yes, I shall go...” and Debb turned to leave, then abruptly halted digging all its legs into the soil, “If I do rightly remember, we cannot remember where we put it.” “Ahh, Gelden’s float!” returned Codoc, “This is ridiculous.” Then Owr sparked in perfect base, frayed-sparks to Debb, “You ought migrate to one of the reefs. There shall you find all you need.” “But first, before we move one step, we must wait for Toddog!” answered Deb. “Toddog will solve all our problems!” Codoc sparked to the side, “Foul stepper!” Owr then asked RoyalAdvisorClass, who was having trouble remembering not to bow everytime the Emperor’s voice was heard, “Have you ever heard of this Toddog, AdvisorCharge?” At which AdvisorCharge said, “I believe it is a myth of the Srezboles and Crustaceans.” “Oh, it is no myth my friend.” said Debb. “Toddog is a fine Srezbole indeed.” Then Codoc asked, “Debb, have you ever even met this Srezbole-Toddog?” At which answered Debb, “I believe I have once, a long time ago. But memory is so-short while life is so-long.” “Are you sure it was here that you were supposed to wait?” asked RoyalAdvisorClass. At which they all looked around them and saw that there were no discerning marks anywhere to be found, no pervading scent nor were they close to any marked current from which to gain a sense of placement. “It all looks the same to me for about ten echoes  around.” said RoyalAdvisor, at which they all laughed, except for Debb who was spinning around kicking up soil and fanning hard enough to propel upward in thrusts. “What are you saying, that we’ve come to the wrong place?” “Who is we? I don’t see anyone but you, Debb.” said Codoc. To which Debb answered, “Ah, yes you speak of Tekeb. Hey, Tekeb! Tekeb come over here! These nice Scceers want to meet you.” The kelp parted, and out stepped a longer, thinner Srezbole, poorly clad, with two broken antennae. “Hi all. I was waiting in the kelp.” Codoc sparked sideways to Orces in highwave, “These two look as torn as lowered Golgothas ‘gainst Grahhed Range!” Orces returned, “Crawlers do have a different view than ours, but this Toddog business of theirs seems a bit ludicrous, do you not think?” Then Tekeb began to speak:

“Yes, it was many and many moontide ago, when in all ravaged land, in and around our sediment there fell no food, not even our graveyard vents yielded, but to our horror we found no spot of floor for sustenance. Toddog has gone to confer with certain others to find the solution and return to help us. This is written down and saved in a safe place. Yet where it is saved we cannot remember.” “Yes, Debb already said this!” snapped Codoc now outwardly annoyed. Drewag-Owr addressed static upon Codoc, “Allow them, Odem-Codoc to circle as we rest, for if you were to open your eye a bit longer, you would know where they truly-reside. And knowing such would for such pity upon them and their lost state. They are forever stuck upon the stage to act out its loop.” then to everyone, “We have enough time-resting for entertaining our guests.”

So they all sat upon the floor amidst the kelp eating and talking in circles to the crawlers. Then falling asleep, they sent the crawlers away, for these Srezboles wished to clean them at which  Drewag-Owr forbid it, being concerned of being discovered to be emperor of Scceereon by such intimate contact, and also thus infecting these two poor, starving crawlers with the fate of the onyx star of Satsam.

One day later they found themselves soaring over the peaks of Galgath, finally catching a breeze against their backs they made their way to Astrynthya into the city of Lilaea, where Codoc took them to an old, favorite eating-establishment. “See how well I navigate?” asked Owr once they were all sitting and eating. They all shook in agreement, and all were truly impressed, for their ancient emperor was running-path even better than Codoc and RoyalAdvisorClass. Orces was definitely the strongest of the whole being able to outrun them all two-fold. Yet Orces scarcely made this fact known due to sheer humbleness in the presence of royalty. Also Orces held back out of shameful-remorse for where the power-source came, and all the terrible trouble it was thus causing.

Once the group was upon the Abyssal Plain all got very quiet and dark. The floor-murk was thickly-still and their forward-static cut through it poorly. This was the longest part of their journey as they caught inside Callas Basin the South Minorous Current, running down all the nothingness for echoes and echoes, moons dancing inside moons, tides pulling inside tides with no other signs of life nor Scceers anywhere to be heard nor found. The silence enveloped them for nearly inside-three-moontide, and at length they found themselves all at a loss of conversation. After a whole echo of quiet travel, “This, the silence of Varhat!” abruptly ejected RoyalAdvisorClass, somewhat stirred by the lengthening darkness of the Plain.

“How will we know when we are there, to Minyas?” asked Orces finally shattering the silence. RoyalAdvisorClass said, “The realm of Minyas is marked by sharp old vents which sprawl outward upon the floor as far as can be heard. We will have to navigate-clandestine below through these, and carefully for they are sharp as heathbone and shall mortally wound any carelessly moving Scceer.” As soon as RoyalCharge said this they came over a swell and felt themselves passing through colder circulation in turbulent boundary. They were now out of the South current and there before them they saw just exactly this amazing array of sharp daggers all sticking out of murk silently waiting for them to pass over and through. “Speak of birth.” said Codoc in a frayed state of subtle terror. Owr warned, “Beware, the tidal flow is strong here and it is pushing forth and back in an uneven manner. We will definitely have to be as careful as Hollocks. And do not gaze too far ahead, or in long-arc from yourself, for the Axts will hear you surely.”

The group slowly made their way down into the dense jungle of spikes which more resembled blades and jaws jutting up in insane patterns. As they moved through, Orces caught an edge and it easily sliced a wound which bled quickly. Then also RoyalAdvisorClass caught an edge as flow pushed awkwardly sideways, likewise becoming tangled upon a sharp blade. “Ah, help me!” cried RoyalAdvisorClass. Drewag-Owr, although larger than the rest, came slowly gliding up and dislodged AdvisorCharge, leaving a few painful static fissures tangled, burst out to open sea. “These horrific protrusions are hard to see or hear, it is so dark and they are so much of pumice.” complained Codoc. “Use low static, Codoc.” said Orces, while tending-wound. “But low, then those Axts will hear us for sure!” wimpered Codoc, who was quickly coming unravelled within the situation. “It is Orces’ blood that shall bring them forth. For that they shall smell, surely.” returned RoyalAdvisorCharge, also now tending-wound. It seemed  just then that a group of Axts appeared through narrow openings at the bottom of the jutting blades.

The group did not see them yet heard them hiss with nine h’s. This nine-h hiss is the signature call of the Axt. At once Orces, Codoc, AdvisorCharge and Owr engaged into thrive-static. Then the Axts came pouring out into the open field where the group of travellers huddled. Watching them all swoop up, Orces was reminded of the Oceanid hunter attack that had brought about this terrible journey. The Axt stopped a few clicks from the group and began to direct static upon them. Codoc felt pressure-upon-skin and heat in-mind. Orces, being so brave a Naiad and strong a Scceer leveled and charged the Axts with thunderous arcs radiating. “The power of Satsam Uudt lord repulse of Ra is upon you!” bellowed Orces tearing them one by one, smash-splitting them against the blade-vents. Yet there came strong urges to Orces to rest. A voice inside told Orces, “Rest, rest, you are so tired, rest. You need rest, Orces, now!” And Orces did so by halting the assault, feeling a profound heaviness and tiredness so much, that uncommon sleep was falling upon Orces. So also Codoc was merely hovering unthrived, and had not even pulled a macaroon blade. Drewag-Owr, having large eyes, being AncientEmperorClass, saw that the Axt were exerting their mind-force over Orces and Codoc, so Owr shot static to break their hold. So also RoyalAdvisorClass arced static across-path to thwart-off the Axt attack. Soon the two, Orces and Codoc were fighting again. The Axts then began their static-field-discharges, one of which struck Orces directly upon the face. Yet Orces had such strength that no damage was taken, at which time Orces fired first volley discharge back upon the Axts which did terrible damage, tearing the Axt apart to two pieces. It was very difficult to fight in such mortal proximity to the vent-blades. Yet the group had the advantage being in the center of a clearing with the Axt attackers flying around the outer area of blades. Eventually only two Axt remained, wounded and panting at which one of them finally spoke, “You are our Western array. We recognize your power upon, to-which we must yield. We say yes, and our life may be spared?” At which RoyalAdvisorClass coughing, moved limbs to royal position and said, “We are that Western array. The anchor upon which you shall smash and break against. Yet we hold no wish of blood-drawn from the Axt, for we seek conference with your Fessoj Lebank, priest of Eilesium.” Upon hearing the name of the priest spoken in high-wavelength, both Axts gave the nine-h hiss. The Axt then spoke again, “My friend Ichad here is mortally wounded and shall soon pass, rolling down glorious to unite to the one ancient root. Yet I, Mordexai, shall take you to the interior to hand you all over to the Sanctum of Ollum whereby they shall deal with you and your request to meet with Teacher Lebank. If they so deem it.” And so Mordexai allowed them to follow toward the interior of Minyas, to Eilesium, heart of Axt residence.

With Mordexai guiding them, the group of Scceers traveled up out of the vent-blades and began to soar, blades below. Mordexai faced them in backwards-swim, “To travel beneath is suicide-pure, for us Axts that live down there are the savagest of the bunch. You would do well better up here amidst the normal travellers. And especially as I now do accompany you, you shall find no harm.” Then Orces realized this Axt was directing static. Orces felt Mordexai feeling around for thoughts. Yet Orces had not to say one word, for Drewag-Owr had eyes all over it. Who then RoyalAdvisorCharge darted forward and again thwarted off Mordexai’s mind-static. “It’s easy to see it as soon as you identify what it is.” said RoyalAdvisorClass. And the AdvisorCharge was right. Once they had all seen the effects of the Axt trance, they would all know it as soon as it was happening and thwart it off harshly. Owr said to Mordexai, “Your probing thoughts, once seen are tell-tale, so know, we shall throw shadow-zones along your path.” At this Mordexai laughed at Owr's voice-wave and said, “What are you, AncientEmperorClass or something?” being completely insincere. Which then jumped in RoyalAdvisorClass, “Some Scceers as us have no mind-alterning ability, yet may posess higher-static. I, myself am a four-portion-entity.” “I thought you looked strange. You have no meat.” Morexai returned, then continued, “I apologize for these insults. I agree not to use Icha again. I did not realize you were offended by it.”

“Enough with the talk, let us meet Fessoj Lebank.” spoke RoyalAdvisorClass to Sanctum of Ollum head Axt, Ullam Torxt, who was holding them saying there was no way to meet Lebank-ever. This, they had been arguing seeming nearly a whole moontide. Finally in desperation, Drewag-Owr disrobed and flashed spark, colors the like of which are never seen in Eurx. The Axt immediately seeing this tried to direct static into Owr’s mind, yet Owr tharted them off strongly and said, “Enough talk. We must, with conversation upon Fessoj Lebank concerning a Uudt.” Owr looked upon RoyalAdvisor who then bowed low and said in a flat, normal tone. “This: the Emperor of Scceers, Drewag-Owr.” The Axt, Ullam Torxt, stared for a long time at Owr, then at-once ran from the room, locking it behind. “Not a very bright-one for being named after Ullam.” is what RoyalAdvisorCharge snickered.

Soon two more Axts dressed in fancier clothing came in and bid them follow. They entered the compound, yet it seemed more as a normal city. The population of Axts were tending to normal Scceer business as would have been done so even in Thyracia, the closest large city. They entered the inner dome where they travelled through beautiful clear tubes of Stalgmite to the conference of Fessoj Lebank. “Everything here is set up for mind-force overs. Beware not to be taken by this architecture.” plainly said Drewag-Owr.

They came to a conference chamber and were told to wait there. Then there appeared a panel of five Axts, and finally, Fessoj Lebank entered in slow glide. “You travellers-all are quite a sight. A RoyalAdvisor-breed has come here? For why? For what business has brought you from Cathedral City here, RoyalAdvisor?” asked Lebank. “We seek information on the Uudt Satsam, repulse of Ra.” returned AdvisorCharge. “This is one of the few things I can help you with.” Lebank courteously said. At which RoyalAdvisorClass bowed low and said, “Do you realize, who it is that stands before you now?” And the rest, Orces and Codoc also bowed low, leaving Drewag-Owr floating upright flashing high-grande-meter. Lebank and the other Axts stared for a while at Owr, then started, flew backwards a little and then awkwardly bowed-likewise. At which the Emperor of all Scceereon sparked highwave, “Rise, friends. For time is flowing and we have-must upon-knowledge of Satsam, for we are marked for death by this vile Uudt.” Then Lebank moved closer to Drewag-Owr, circling, saying, “For Ullam’s breath can I not believe it in a million and one moontide, for I have never seen this. I have not ever seen such as this! My good Emperor, you have traversed here, alone without high-guard into this Axt territory?  What, may I ask is the terrible, vile predicament of death that has brought you to me?”

RoyalAdvisorClass explained the whole situation of the onyx star to Lebank, who listened intently and seemingly held back urges to inject. When RoyalAdvisorCharge was finally done telling-tale, Fessoj Lebank was asked by Drewag-Owr, “So, what do you think of that?” At which Lebank said, “Ah, yes, I can see some things here! Portions of Satsam are low-end waves that traverse all the way down-spectrum into the darkness that makes up its body. Perhaps this is the physical tie it holds against Ra and to you. As-like we all here, being static-born beings of Scceereonesphereous hold-tie to that primordial root also. Perhaps this is somehow the mechanism of Satsam’s tie. My voice you hear now is the voice of the planet, as is yours and yours and yours. Our Sphereous now speaks its mind with us as the mouthpiece. Such as we are all one, this is the plain upon which Satsam plays and breathes.” RoyalAdvisorClass then asked Lebank, “How is this possible? For Satsam is only able to hold-tie over those it has touched-physically. Why not, if it is true that we are all of one primordial root, that Satsam cannot kill whomever it pleases?” Lebank continued, “This Uudt probably must touch in order to know the specific vibration of static. Once it knows this it can listen through the primordial channel to this static and send wave forth upon it. The reason you all have become infected is that once your static-arc collided with Orces’ spark, Satsam was able to hear yours as well. The strange mark left on your skin is a manifestation of the circuitry through which Satsam operates. And I see that your Axt guide, Mordexai also has this mark.” Mordexai said, “I fought this fiercely brave Scceer, Orces. As we clashed, I gained the mark-likewise.”

At this Lebank came close to Mordexai and looked closely at the mark.” RoyalAdvisorClass yelled out, “Beware! Do not get too close friend. Remember what we told you about our infection through Orces.” At this Lebank quickly moved back a ways saying, “Yes, the mark is very curious. It radiates from the central point of infection. The radiations are where the secondary arcs moved out throughout your bodies. Such a fascinating occurrence, yet unfortunately I have not one idea how to thwart it off.” Orces then said, “Then we must go find the Uudt and ask it to follow us into shallow depth where it will be cast off the planet. Yet I wonder, once it has broken from our physical Sphereous, shall it be able to kill us?” “No, I highly doubt it could.” said Lebank.

“Uudts have no body but must cling to have any mind here-physical. Therefore, in outer darkness the Uudt may still be able to listen and know your static, which would be a unique pattern roughly anywhere in our known universe. Yet it would not be able to physically send a death-force upon you. I know this for two reasons.”

“The first reason is that I had privelage to read the fallen Frakkix Gelden writings on atmosphere layers. It seems our planet not only has our breathable atmosphere herein Eurx and the outer air atmosphere which is noticably thinner than ours, but there is a thinner atmosphere which rushes at high currents called the Planar Cloud Expanse. This is where the Gelden live. Most Scceers know this. But the more modern Gelden writings tell of another layer which is thin-paramount that no physical thing from our planet extends beyond. This above-layer is as unbreathable to the Frakkix, as the above-air-layer is to us. This is what the surface dwellers call Outer Darkness. It is in outer darkness that the surfacers’ constellation-myths arise through these known stars.” “From whence the Radiants breathed.” added Codoc. “I see you’ve read your old-literature, Codoc breed.” continued Lebank,  as they all listened-upon, “The Geldens say that outer darkness is all nothingness and void whereby the Uudt may find no thing to cling to, nor be able to send-wave-in targeting you.” Drewag-Owr then injected, “We know of outer darkness, for it is the plain knowledge of the ancients, and those stars we might barely see in the apex of night, when both suns have set-below and we go bobbing above. Yet We thought it must be some thick-sea spinning high above due to its blackness. And the stars from which the Radiants breathed were burning flash-floats, ten thousand times the size of this RoyalAdvisorBreed.” Then RoyalAdvisorClass, “Yes, as we all rose here in Eurx from the flash-floats of Ullam. But this outer darkness is all-void? My thought is broken at this. I must retool all-I have learned.” “To get to the point,” spilled Fessoj Lebank, “the Uudt Satsam will not be able to tear you apart if we find a way to eject it from Sccereonesphereous.”

“What was the other reason you know that Satsam, once ejected, cannot kill?” asked Orces. At which Lebank smiled, laughed and left the room saying, “You are going to like this. I shall return shortly with a special guest.” They all looked upon each other searching for what Lebank meant. The other Axts waited uncomfortably, until finally Lebank returned with something following behind. It was surely a being they could all see, yet it lacked any kind of physical body. It seemed to be made out of extremely dense, flowing liquid, spinning quickly around the room, coming to rest in a far corner. As soon as it stopped moving it coalesced into a more rigid form. “This,” said Lebank curving limb as would a RoyalAdvisor, “is the Umbert Sailor, Uudt lord of Ocean Eurx.” Even the emperor gasped at this disclosure and they all fell stunned-silent, at which the Umbert Sailor spoke with seemingly ten thousand tongues sparking Eurx, “Umbert has heard your voices stirring Eurx concerning quarter Uudt Satsam. Surely, yes surely, Umbert has told Lebank-Axt of various mysteries concerning this reverse-Uudt. Umbert wishes not to disturb Uudt upon Onesphereous, yet Satsam repulse of Ra has clashed its force against this Uudt. Surely, yes surely, Satsam seeks, as you Scceers say, to thwart Umbert’s tranquility upon all Eurx, rubbing painful static against Umbert’s proximity. You are likewise affected and infected by this repulse energy and must-needs to cast it off. Therefore, Umbert shall now assist you liquid-breathers to eject Uudt Satsam from Onesphereous. Yet also be warned, you may ask modest questions towards this Umbert, yet do not ask-of this Uudt. For it has been proven in the past many times a treacherous game for those who expire.”

Drewag-Owr spoke to the Umbert Sailor saying, “We thank you Umbert Sailor, Uudt of Eurx. I must say it is an honor to meet you and hear upon you in-person. What shall be done to accomplish our task?” And the Umbert Sailor said, “You Scceers shall dive to the bottom of Oxe Cavern to that ancient cave known as Montexinos, Orces to ask-of the Uudt and lure Satsam. You shall dive there when the two suns are in three-degree Radiant, side by side, as staring falxia-eyes with squints. It must also be upon the triple-new-moon of nighttime beforehand. It is upon this time only that you shall surely find Satsam there. You must be very clear what you ask, for Satsam must comply. You must ask: Follow me blind?”

Then the Uudt, Umbert, bent down to the floor, broke through the tiles and began gathering mud from the seafloor. Once this was gathered, the Uudt then smashed it all together, as the Scceers in the room felt a great heat coming from this pressured-mud. What was formed was a long branched-wand, and the Umbert Sailor rested its unpierced hand heavily upon the deathly sharp end of its severest point. “The Umbert shall use the like of this to stir Eurx.” it said.

And then the Umbert Sailor laughed and asked, “However, you think that once asked, a Uudt shall follow your questions to the end of the world? This is not true. One question acted to moderation is only what Uudt requires. Once Satsam realizes it is in danger of flinging-off, it shall recoil and the question-spell shall break-off. You will only be able to lure this Uudt-repulse as deep as what you howl-upon as this bottom boundary layer. This is why Umbert shall stir a terrible sea vortex which shall open up an eye to cast down into that deepest part of Eurx, those bright rays of Ra and Helios to thwart the repulse. Surely, yes surely Umbert shall open the vortex-plunging into-deep at just the right moment, when Satsam is vulnerable-located. Thus directly to push Satsam flinging to outer darkness where it may find another cling-stone, perhaps this time in sea, perhaps in mountain where it shall not repulse. Thus we free this repulse from its cloud of reverse and restore it to proper Uudt vibration.”

Hearing the plan, the group grew uncomfortable for they knew that none of them could dive deep enough, except for perhaps Orces. So RoyalAdvisorClass said to the Umbert-Uudt, “Only Orces can dive that deep.” The Umbert Sailor returned, “Only one is needed. And Orces is the one with whom Satsam originated this plague. Orces is the one.” “I shall need a guide to find this cave again.” said Orces. The Uudt then said to Orces, “Umbert cannot guide you likewise, for Umbert must be upon Eurx’s surface to initiate vortex currents. It is also difficult to explain in your language how to find it, for there are no discernable marks nor charges to your particular senses where the cave lies. You Scceers must find some diver familiar to Oxe to guide you to the cave. Yet now rest moon-followers, for Umbert feels your exhaustion.” The Umbert Sailor drained out of the room.

Fessoj Lebank invited the Owr and the rest to dinner, where they discussed the specifics of travelling to Oxe Chasm. As they sat ready to eat, Codoc asked Mordexai, sitting right beside, “This is not Kalkan, is it?” At which Mordexai chewing, laughed saying, “No. There hasn’t been any of that for one hundred eighty-four moontide!”

There were nearly all seven moontide gone until the wrath of Satsam was to reach out, tearing upon Orces and the rest. Yet they all had to wait for Parax, when the two suns sit together intertwined, loosely beside and triple daytime-full-moon flanks with Aglaia upon apex, whence the night before, a triple-new-moon darkens-fully the outer atmosphere.

Upon the alignment of Helios and Ra, Thalia, Euphrosyne and Aglaia, the Umbert Sailor, Uudt lord of liquids, condensed in Eilesium, Realm of Minyas to fetch the diving party.

Drewag-Owr and the two priests had decided to return to the safety of Cathedral City, for they feared that they may be falling into a deeper trap layed by Satsam. “Perhaps it wants us together to go find it, so that it may destroy us all in one single burst. We shall not afford Satsam this pleasure. Orces, Codoc and Mordexai shall venture forth only.” said Drewag-Owr. RoyalAdvisorClass, now having trouble remembering to bow everytime the Emperor’s voice was heard, then injected, “I, dear Emperor, would-must to travel along to Oxe Canyon also, for to see Uudt against Uudt is too fantastic to turn from.” “Be it so, brave RoyalCharge.” returned the emperor. The group took to deep sleep, yet were all troubled by dreams of turbulent-rolling, terrible echoes and cold darkness.

It was a fifteen-two echo journey to the Praxithea Sea and a most uncomfortable traverse, for cold already spilled down from North Polar Basin. Feeling the first bites of coldness, Orces knew that Oxe Chasm would be in extremely bitter freeze. “Once we are there,” said Orces to the rest, “We must look for some diver who would know the territory of Oxe and help us find that damned cave.” So they proceeded downward to the great jaws of Oxe Chasm until both cliff walls were wholly in sight, at which Mordexai gasped saying, “I am so small against this vastness plummetting down into that cold-darkness. The rip upon Eurx’s floor is yawning-huge. It is hard to tell even by looking the great distance between the two fissure walls.” RoyalAdvisorClass, Codoc and Mordexai followed Orces down into the darkness of Oxe until the bottom pressure made RoyalAdvisorClass say, “Oh, that is far enough. I feel as though no more breath can be caught and my own sparks are even burning into me. I apologize, yet I can dive no further. This is truly the highest-depth I have ever achieved.” “Then let us plain-about here and look to meet some diver who may be coming for upper-foods.” said Codoc.

They all began sweeping their eyes and ears across and down into the darkness looking for anyone to help them. Soon Mordexai, who had longest-eye-static, saw a small something down below. “Ho there!” Mordexai yelled down, “We are not to eat you, but require assistance. Don’t worry we are not Gracx.” at which RoyalAdvisorClass added, “We can pay you a royal bounty if you help us!” At this, the diver came up from high-depth, squinting over all of them, shook defiantly, and asked, “What is all this about? Brighties! Your reward moneys will do me no good down here! We trade goods and flashes, not soil-made collected-metals. The fact is, I could bring you a Golgotha’s load of those metals, which are found in abundance here and there upon the bottom-floor.” RoyalAdvisorClass then spilled, “We have shalkmeat.” at which the diver came up even closer and said, “Ah, now I listen. It has been nearly forty moontide since I have eaten the likes of shalkmeat!” Orces then sparked, “I need to get to the cave at the bottom of this canyon.” The diver was still far down in the murk, so that the group could not truly see it. But the diver spun around and sparked up, “Which cave is this, there are over ninety caves down there.” Having forgotten, Orces asked RoyalAdvisorClass what the Umbert Sailor had said the name of the cave was. RoyalCharge said the name out loud to the diver, “Montexinos.” The diver came a little closer saying, “Oh, Montexinos? That is well at the very bottom there. We would do well to stay out of that cave for most things that enter its mouth, never return.” “It may be because that is one place where Satsam, repulse of Ra resides.” said Codoc. Hearing this, the diver shot up out of the murk and flashed thrive a little eagerly saying, “The Uudt Satsam? I have read the lower Scceer wall about it. At least the lower wall is in a style I can read. I believe I have heard some repulsing thing in other places down below!” At which Orces asked, “Can you take me to this cave of Montexinos? I must confront this Satsam repulse of Ra. And, what is your name, friend?”

The diver said “My name is Gerald. And I am not afraid of that Uudt-Lord-Satsam-repulse of Ra!” staring up from depth. Orces and the rest realized how small this diver was and how pathetic its static burst. They all looked upon each-other, trying not to laugh. “I shall give old repulse-thing one of these!” And summoning up its strength in a hard-flex, Gerald the diver squeezed out a small ball of static that floated slowly, fading out, wobbling and sparking off in all the wrong directions. At this the whole of the Scceer party had-must to stir-Eurx in explosion of laughter. “Yes, that’s what they all say.” grumbled the diver under its voice. Gerald then said, “And then, I’ll give the old Frak some of this! and that! and that!” And with this proclimation, Gerald spun, jabbed three-limb-hits and spit another ball that spun back in the current, nearly zapping its creator on the face. Orces and the rest could not help but gyral completely lost to laughter. As Orces shared these moments bellowing with the rest, Gerald the diver shot a discharge-shock at Orces. Orces was not aware, nor did Orces care, yet either way, the static-ball wobbled slowly close enough range to spark one arc to Orces’ skin. Instantly the entire ball-spark was gone, diffused at-once into Orces’ static. Orces became immediately, completely immobilized and began death-rolling. The others, seeing this, AdvisorCharge cried, “For gorgon’s blood! It came from that diver! It has a negative-volatile discharge!” And Gerald squinted out, “Yes that is right. Some of this and some of that, there!” Then Gerald came swooping up close, bent its body awkwardly and crackled, “What in Eurx’s-name do you look like, you brighties?” The diver was squinting over all of them as they all engaged their static into thrive. “Hey now!” Gerald muttered, “That is not neccessary! Look, your friend will be fine. This time Gerald shot an impressive highwave-arc at Orces and immediately reversed the torurous shock.

Seeing the Scceers angered and thrived, Gerald the diver decided to make quick with a resolve, “Yes, for some shalkmeat I will surely help you get to the cave of Montexinos. But I will not go in. The old Frak, Satsam will have to come out to me. Then I’ll give it some of this, and this!”

Then suddenly Gerald started-afraid squinting over RoyalAdvisorClass yelling out, “You gigantic flash-float! You, so lofty and bright, flashing-high up there! Please have mercy on me!” RoyalAdvisorCharge, seeing an opportunity for encouragement then returned to Gerald, “I shall have mercy on you for eating my family all these moontide but only if you show this good Scceer, Orces, to the cave.” At which Gerald cried out, “Yes! Yes, at once I shall take you. Follow me brightie! Please, dear, sweet mercy!” Gerald at once started-down into-coldness of deep-shadows running-down Oxe chasm. Orces followed as the weight crushed around them into hard-bound-deep where nothing survives. As they glided down Gerald turned to Orces, “You must be freezing, for if I am cold, you brightie, must have still sparks. This dive is quite deep even for me. For if I am crushed, you brightie-brightie must be ravaged-torn.” Orces then slightly annoyed said, “I feel it, but I can push it off easily.” Orces knew immediately when they arrived within close proximity to the cave because Orces remembered the unique smell. It rose in Orces’ throat in disgust. Then Gerald whispered-highwave, “Here it is. If you want, I’ll give the old Frak some of this and some of that!” At which Orces sternly said, “No! Just be quiet and wait for me to lure it out.” “Then I’ll give that repulse thing some of that!” sparked Gerald. “No, then do nothing. Do not distract the Uudt from following me.” said Orces very direct, forming in sharp-symbol. Which Gerald then replied, “I can’t read those, but they surely are beautiful the way you paint them.” “Just do no thing.” snapped Orces in base tone.

Orces, holding beneath the hard-bound-deep where nothing survives, entered the cave of Montexinos as the two eyes, Helios-Ra, squinted high above and Aglaia tethered Thalia to Euphrosine. Orces travelled slowly, silently downward into its yawn, finally finding a wider expanse. “It is nearly like a room, Orces, Naiad, Scceer.” Wispered voices from fissures. Orces, hearing these, immediately asked a question, “If you are Satsam, what all do you know of my travels?” At which the Uudt said, “This Uudt felt you thwart Satsam off by high-static. Then Satsam did hear very faintly, an ancient emperor class crackling near you. It was then Satsam reclaimed you and claimed a priest and Drewag-Owr likewise. It was then supposed that you, Orces, were going to find the last priest and make good. Satsam has waited for your return to hear good news and to lift the physical onyx-star from you.”

Orces began the very dangerous game of asking of a Uudt, “I shall tell you of the priests, but first will you forget who you are, Satsam repulse of Ra?” At which the Uudt did answer, “I have forgotten. Now that I don’t know who you are I am urged to kill you. Your sharp-smallness repulses me.” At which Orces quickly said, “Instead of killing me, will you follow me blind? At which the Uudt said, “Yes, proceed to lead.”

At this moment, eighty echoes above, the listening Umbert Sailor abruptly began churning retrograde circular currents in Eurx, slowly opening its eye. RoyalAdvisorClass and Mordexai had placed themselves quite a distance away from this Uudt’s churn, yet found themselves running for safety even farther.

Orces led Satsam out of the cave and was quite surprised then they both emerged. This was when Satsam was completely exposed and looked very strange. Orces saw that the Uudt’s form was a swarm of darkness which was even darker than that of the deep cave at the bottom of Oxe. Also seeing Satsam emerge, Gerald, who had been impatiently waiting at the cave’s entrance began to follow them up towards the bottom boundary layer. “As they travelled, Satsam said, “I wanted to know something but I cannot remember what it is.” “If you follow me blind, I shall tell you.” said Orces. Orces began to feel the Umbert’s churning, first as a light wind, yet then it rose fierce. Orces, constantly forward-swimming, was troubled by this, hoping the Uudt would not come to its senses from all the turbulence. They were approaching the correct depth when all at once Gerald the diver yelled out, “Satsam, repulse of Ra, take this!” and shot many, many shocks. At which Satsam immediately turned and curled around Orces angrily hissing in ten thousand Naiad voices, “You, Orces, Naiad, Scceer were to trick Satsam. It would be certain death, yet Satsam must to know first of the two priests. If you ask another question of Satsam, you surely will be torn apart.” Orces began, “I was to kill the priests as they each recited the Uop.” and then taking a deadly chance Orces quickly injected, “Yet I could not remember the Uop. Would you, Satsam recite the Uop for me that I may remember the story of what happened to the Priests?” Satsam’s whole form shook in frustration for Satsam knew that the Uop is fourty-four thousand statements long, yet then had to let slack upon Orces and begin in proper chanting style:

“All that is is not. All that is not is. As all that is gathers, all that is not spreads. As all that is not spreads, all that is gathers. Not by all as all by not. By that by naught, upon which all rests. For by aught all not to be resigned...”

As Satsam curled-reciting this, the Umbert sailor above, urged Eurx on even harder-in-spin until a vortex cast its eye down very deep to the precise spot where Satsam reciting-curled.

Satsam became aware of this vortex surely, for the recitation began to speed up intensely, the likes of which painfully-confused the ears of Orces. Satsam abruptly finished, screamed and lashed out at Orces angrily. Yet it was too late as the repulse was caught in-whilrpool. Satsam spun and spun faster until the vortex-eye opened, touched the Uudt, and burst supremely bright. A shock concentration wave pulsed outward-slowly, aching Scceers up to twenty echoes away. Satsam was dissipated upward along the spinning walls of the vortex, until whirling-air into outer darkness.

RoyalAdvisorClass, a bit torn, arrived back to Onyx Cathedral and reported to Drewag-Owr, “We have cast Satsam repulse of Ra from Onesphereonesphereous. However we have lost Orces the Naiad. So far there has been nothing-of-Orces to be found from our extensive search of the area. We think it possible that Orces was caught in the vortex eye and also with this Uudt, freed.”

Drewag-Owr then sparked lowest-chord saying, “And so history is made. Draw up the keys and write it all down, that it may not be forgotten. Send forth news upon Scceereon: The brave Naiad, Scceer, Orces was slain so that the Uudt Lord Satsam, repulse of Ra could be ejected from Onesphereous.”

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Serotonin Bytes (first half-chapter)

God knows I’ve slept with a large kitchen knife under my pillow many sleepless nights.  There cannot be enough said for weeping during a shower. I had been working long, tedious hours on a new vital form of technology I aptly named the Static-Positive Photon Processor: a computing device unyielding in eternal memory and calculations-per-second as fast, if not faster than the speed of light.

    I was feeling relatively sane and exhausted in the aftermath of an unyielding depression, when on one particular evening I happened to sleep into vivid dream. I am driving a motorcycle in the nighttime dream-world I named for sanity’s sake: Omnigog.  When I sleep, it is this base-recurrent, program-platform in my head through which all dream information is processed. This synapsed micro-universe is a conglomeration of my first impressions of San Francisco’s vast empire grid of victorian houses row upon row, smashed dirty against each other, and the sterile-plastic sprawls of gilded, Dallas, Texas. In the Omnigog all streets are paved super-black asphalt with bright orange and yellow lines meandering in smooth-constant curvatures.  Streetlights spill amber cones straddling golden circles against sidewalks, down the long streets and over rising hills.   Humming electric towers loftily string their slick-gray wires, falling proudly into and rising out of the darkened, wind-brooding treetops. Leaning my motorcycle into the turns, I am like an electron travelling in a precise summer-night three-turn circuit, and can feel the mathematics of the architect’s road-layout program calling its functions to produce this constant-smooth curvature. In this dream scenario I am driving with two of my buddies who also only exist in this dream world.  

    “You can call me Cali.” is what she first said to me as she struck out her strong porcelain hand. “Calliope Zoroaster, hi.” I later found out that I was the only one who she allowed to call her by the nickname Cali. No one else was to ever abbreviate her name due to her excessive, compulsive, egotistical mania.  “I’m a hard stuntin’ mutha’ like Evil Keneval.” She later said when Jord asked about her extreme mental states. “...Well, I am static flowing over existence.” is what Jord sarcastically answered.

    When I first met Jord, I did not think much of him except our names were similar beginning on the whole with J and ending in X.  “Rex? ...Yorx.” He said as he gave his firm handshake.  (Yes, it all begins very excessively formal in this dream world of mine.) Jord is the quiet shoegazer type who warmly warns you and the doctors three weeks in advance before he climbs some tower with a high-power rifle and a good scope to shoot people dead.  He can go for hours not saying anything and then suddenly blurt-out some fact about the cosmos and animation. This annoys the hell out of Calliope, who has heard it all the time from him, even when they were in bed together. And she has no reservations on screaming at him to “Fuck off!”  They both call me “Damn-bitch,” I suppose because that’s what I very well can be.

    So in this monumental dream, Jord Yorx, Calliope Zoroaster and I, are riding motorcycles through late, late, unending night, running blinking red and yellow lights and fast turning on dimes. It’s dewy-humid wind through my tangling hair and knuckles tight-aching-white on handlebars as I nearly lose my balance off this purring, vibratory crotch-contraption.  

We end up in a frequently visited, yet quickly forgotten warehouse where we keep an array of musical instruments, dusty fragments of junk and various knick-knacks too numerous to mention. This warehouse, I suppose, is situated in an abandoned, gray, industrial corner of the city where vagabonds gather to do their sinister, unabashedly underhanded business. The only problem is walking to and from the safety of the heavy-swinging, dead-bolted entranceway. 

    “I wouldn’t go out there If I were you.” Jord calmly stated not even looking up from his newspaper.  Particularly concerned about my front motorcycle tire going flat, I was ducking looks out the brown, cellophaned windows.  “I’m not afraid of them!” I said, rummaging through a drawer looking for a kitchen knife.  I finally chose a long wide knife and a short thin knife.  “One for slashing, one for stabbing.” I thought. 

    Outside where my motorcycle was parked, lurked all the archetypes of evil. There were those damned short ones with beady eyes that sought to scam or control anything they could out of you as soon as you turn your back on them. There were those large powerful ones across the street staring from out darkness like hungry carnivores on prowl after nightfall. Their eyes will glow reflective when seen from certain angles. There were the less obvious ones, disheveled, leaning hard, starving with a glazed-over look in their eye.  All of this aside, I unlocked the numerous bolts and the door slowly swung open on its own weight as the curtain at a fanciful play allows the audience a gradual and dramatic entrance to the nature of a terrible scene. 

    Emerging from the entranceway I immediately attracted the attention of all these dream-demons.  As if their polarities had at once changed they all turned and began moving towards me in a slow, mechanical fluid motion. However I was wielding two knives with every intention of defense. And not one of those things had enough courage to get close enough to get it in the eye, or in the gut.  None, save one.  And it moved forward as it sensed my growing horror. It was the biggest one of the bunch and it was wearing a leather jacket. My worst fright was to commit fully to lethal combat by puncturing its tough skin with my kitchen knife. It began backing me into a corner so I finally managed to slash, first with the broad-sword.  

    All creatures’ eyes, great and small, in the Omnigog, seemed now to watch me boldly plunge the stabbing implement, (two inclined planes, flat, back to back, pointing) into the huge thing’s chest.  Then again. Then again. The monster falls, and quickly I slink back to the safety of the warehouse, all the other demons stunned, my flat motorcycle tire completely forgotten. 

    I slay the dragon! Demogorgon lay slain! Then basking in glory as if trapped within some old Arthurian legend, I noticed a curly brunette among our guests at the warehouse party.  She was a maiden in black dress, displaying damsel in distress, chewing on the tips of her fingernails, bitten-red. She was departing the party and needed a drunken walk to her car. I was the dragonslayer and therefore designated to escort, safely to her vehicle. I walked a little ahead, she walked a little behind. And she was gorgeous: all big lofty eyes’ distressed, tangles of coils like frozen electrical arcs radiating, spilling around her tilted head so. My mission thus was to convey this bright creature at all costs from point A to B. Come rain or shine. Come hell or high-water. Come all or none. Come one come all. “Come on!” I said to her as I saw what lay dead ahead. A rogue group of individuals was lumbering towards us with a pre-violence pace. “Come on!” I grab her hand and nicely can feel when her arm runs out of slack, twisting shoulders, her waist soon following as I pull her off the sidewalk into the tall, lawn grass. We exit down a side path between houses until we come to an ancient stone bridge or wide-spanning industrial overpass of some sort. From where we stand, through a torn curtain of treetops we can see an array of city lights shimmering like an electric sea down below all the way to the horizon. “Wow, would you look at that?” We were still holding awkward hands. With a laugh, a smile, and a flash of eye contact we were kissing. We were kissing a most wonderful kiss.  And somehow it was meant to be that this woman, who took me, and I who took her, were program-synced to be together, conjoined by the almighty intricacies of this bold-existing universe. And yet I had only found her in this half-remembered dream. 

I woke from this dream as if someone had thrown a switch or two somewhere.

The trashmen are rumbling and squeaking outside. Again in dream, we were watching the drunkards walk by, sitting at an outside bar patio, drinking golden beer and silver tequila. “Tequila, it agrees with my heritage.” spat Calliope fall leaning close to my face, elbowing me hard in my side. “Hell no! Hell no, Zoroaster! Don’t give me that heritage shit!” I yell. Calliope, when real drunk claims to be the descendant of many greats. Lately she had been on a Pancho Villa kick. “...Whose horse’s name was Seven Leagues, y Siete Leguas, en Espanol.” Says a stinking drunk Calliope, dancing, holding the square bottle over her red, red mop of a head, tinkling silver tequila. “But you seem more Irish to me!” I slurred to her. She belted out a laugh, scrunched up her eyebrows and spat on to me, “Your eyes are too small! Yeah, and I am also purple-skinned with red eyes. And when I go to India, I am black as starless night with a lolling tongue between two blood-soaked fangs. But when I drink tequilla in New Mexico, for God’s sake, it’s all about Villa!” At which point she let out a low, sustained volatile burp. I told her that Villa wouldn’t have liked the fact that she was drunk because he was against alcohol, at which she most viscerally returned, “Oh, daddy’s angry! Oh, and by the way, Hemmingway told me he doesn’t feel sorry for you at all. In fact, he said he would very much like to kick your ass if he were still alive. He thinks you need to do an outline first, before you attempt your esoteric vomit.”

Staying on horseback when that drunk is like being inside a very difficult video game. We go riding off into the night, laughing hysterically, shooting our pistolas up in the air, swearing like cabronas, choking down tequilla, and always eating the worm.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Fabulous Machine

    There was once, in the Province of Bane, a most curious and controversial contraption. It attracted sight seers from the four corners of the tired, old country; from everywhere that word of mouth could carry of its mysterious construction. So strange was this news upon hearing it, that anyone from any walk of life had potential of possibly being compelled to make a distant pilgrimage to Bane just to see it. It was a machine: a fantastic, fabulous machine.

    All residents of Bane had great respect for this machine and so, also, anyone else who had privilege to lay eyes upon it. For it was so amazing, so dumbfounding, that no one had yet ever been able to figure who built it, how it worked, or to what its purpose. In this modern day the notion is the more compact and efficient the machine, the better. This however, fortunately was not the case long ago in Bane, when that mysterious machinist bore this amazing masterpiece into existence and gifted it to all.

    At this point the human language is insufficient to adequately describe the experience of seeing this machine. Words fall flatly smooth while describing this roughly textured entity. Nonetheless, the frail description follows:

    The machine was a virtual mountain of intricately connected, iron plates and beams. It stood seven times as high as a person, sitting, morbidly obese and ponderous upon its steadfast, metal foundation. It seemed to be constructed with a keen sense of redundancy, and repetitiveness; an esoteric design, designed to encumber its true nature, by the very nature of its intricacy, and repetition. At some angles, looking past a line of powerful gleaming pistons, one could peer deeply, right through the entire mechanism to the other side. Looking closely, one could spy delicately strewn hair-like strands of gold and copper fanned-out, gleaming in all directions; sometimes all running together at once, and others in various degrees shooting off by themselves, weaving into geographically estranged gearbox encasements whereby lost to dark inner framework.

    There were areas that looked as if they could swivel back and forth with ferocious, powerful accuracy. Yet other iron beams seemed to barely hang, and gave precarious appearances, as if being at the point of breaking their very hinges, upon, to which, they desperately clung. There were areas where wide belts connected a gnashing assemblage of exposed gear teeth and circular saw like disks. On one side there opened in a frozen, iron yawn, a large gape in the twisting, angular frame so as to give on a general first glance to the overall appearance of the mechanism, a pinching, maniacal grimace.

    Directly below this machine's gape, there jutted a small and unobtrusive control panel containing various knobs, levers, buttons, meters and switches. It was here that there was splayed amongst thick beams and heavy rivets, just enough space for one lone operator to orchestrate the function of the entire mechanism. Yet for one to position themselves in such proximity, by the very magnitude of this structure looming above, took an iron will. And it was due to this very fact that no one person had ever been willing to be the first to try to rouse into action this ancient-sleeping, metallic Goliath.

    There were many debates over many years, over and over, over what this strange device could be. It infected the entire community with its presence. This was quite evident in the architecture of Bane at the time, which could prove to be profoundly intricate, and somewhat absurd to any nonresident. Social interactions in Bane took on a life all their own, as well as the mode of dress. This specific aesthetic was a simple reaction to the giant iron mystery in the town center. And how could a community not react to this entity? Which by its very nature and strong existence, seemed to take on a life like quality. Due to all the energy and influence forced around it, it seemed as though this machine had a mind and a will of its own. A master plan to which only the machine's yet silent process could ultimately know.

    This menacing presence was felt in every movement of the town. It echoed in the houses, in the social interactions and in the bedrooms late at night. Each and every resident had their personal reaction to the machine, and as a result, everyday life in Bane became like the machine: a mysterious interaction, a transaction without a significant end. Pleasure that fulfilled no meaningful purpose. No consequence or reason for art, but merely posture and mystery for mystery's sake.

    There also sprung up around this wondrous machine, many machine building shops. And stocked within the stores were the merchants and machinists who hoped to reap the beneficial rewards of such a magnificent mechanical centerpiece. They spent long hours, sometimes from dusk till dawn, toiling away amongst their molten laden tools. Hammering and sweating with anticipation, they were creating their own machines to somehow capture inspiration from that iron entity that ever silently grimased there in the dark, beyond the sooted windows of their metal shops.

    In the morning these machinists adorned dew dropped streets with presentations of their newly constructed devices. Most of these metallurgic concoctions did perform little function whatsoever, yet more importantly they looked and operated in the most fantastically intricate of ways. On any given morning, one could walk down Main Street and spy an array of, egg bashers, clothes dryers, clothes soakers, automatic wood choppers, steam powered hammers, steam powered scarecrows, combustion engine bread makers, electro-magnetic love enhancers, static reinforced noodle producers, and electric instruments. The machines, though little function served, always sold very well since the town was in constant onslaught by foreigner-sightseers, tourist-travelers, vagabonds, ruffians, villains, and outright scoundrels, from the five corners of the old country. There was in fact, quite some money to be had in this transient respect, and Bane's inhabitants all reaped rewards brought to them by the frenzied, financial cloud, that this strange, amazing machine in Towne Centre, did so mutely kick-up.

    It was a few years in the future, in the height of popularity, that the good mayor of Bane, being an opportunist beyond opportunity, decided to engage the tedious task of perhaps the greatest endeavor any one person from the six corners of the old country had ever personally taken-on to undertake: to discover the function of the fabulous machine. She appointed her most loyal and cherished advisors to advise, her skeptics to be skeptical, her servants to be servile, and her intellectuals to babble-on endlessly through the night. She called on every being that would hear. To come to Bane and examine this machine, to do the unthinkable, that had now been thought. She wanted someone to turn on this fabulous machine.
    At first, she was ridiculed. Some renegade residents tried to burn her house, while others just twisted up their face in silent scorn. The politicians had her over for wine, to secretly examine her and her motivations. The machinists had her over for beer, to secretly debunk her and her methods. The folk had her over for tea, to "accidentally" spill it on her and her clothes. Her close friends and advisors snickered behind her back and made cryptic insults as she passed. They had grown so accustomed to the sight of the machine, that it was no longer a machine to them, it was more just something that was there, and should remain as thus. This idea scared everyone a great deal. They were not ready to accept the idea that it would be operated, and that they would find out, once and for all, what, if anything, it really did.

    After a period of much resistance, the good mayor gave up on finding someone who was open and willing to give the machine a scientific once-over. People were just too spooked at this idea. Yet, a good curious thought cannot be un-thought. Slowly, the residents of Bane became feverishly aware of their true thirsts, their base motivations for most everything they did. Their very identities were somehow wrapped up around this menacing machine, and their curiosity could hold out not much longer.

    One afternoon, there was news about town that a young, unkempt man by the name of Jord Yorx was causing quite a ruckus by way of the fabulous machine. He had been staring and dumb most of the morning; a not uncommon reaction to seeing the fabulous machine for the first time. Yet by the afternoon he stood up and directly walked closer to it. He began touching it in its most curiously constructed areas. By dusk, passers-by were angered, and most surely aroused by this strange gesture on the part of Yorx. This foreigner seemed to be having a foreign experience.

    When the mayor heard of this peculiar news from one of her posted minions, she sent for the young man straight-away. After many questions over few complex cultural ideologies, the mayor decided that this man, Yorx, was a complete fool. He knew nothing of culture or refinement, the things that would most certainly be needed to comprehend, or even grasp-a-wisp of the spark about this fabulous machine's purpose.

    Her council was about to throw the dirty little man out to the streets when he plainly said, "I'm sorry that I don't know more about your beautiful palaces, politics or your foods. I don't know about your methods, or understand the reasons you ask your servants to remain loyal. I do not know why you tightly grasp and hold frantically to certain particular things, but forget everything else. But I do know certain types of machines. I think I know that machine. You know, the amazing one you have down in your town square." And Yorx was right. He had a profound grasp of certain machinery. It made sense to him. It was orderly and mathematical. Long ago, his father had been a clandestine machinist in the far lowlands, and had taught to Yorx through example, inexplicable machinery: the wonderful, complex, incomprehensible, fabulous, apex of machinery. So, Yorx set out to study and ultimately rouse from deep slumber, this fabulous machine.

    For a week he only sat and contemplated this machine from various angles and distances. One day he sat with his back against the machine listening to the wind whine through its gears and whistle over its pistons. He tasted lubrication off the joints of various areas during certain times and temperatures of the day. He ate, drank, slept, amongst other unspeakable things, right beside or behind his mechanical companion. At moments, he was observed by bewildered, on-lookers, to burst open into full, roaring laughter. Other days he would sit with his head resting against one of the great iron manifolds and sob so bitterly, that no one could make out what his drool-dribbling mouth could be spurting. After a while, he became awkward with self-induced mental fatigue. He turned pale and statuesque, as he moved slowly about the machine, briefly glancing, in silent awe. He did not leave its side once, until the day he was ready to make his proclamation.

    The populations gathered as always, growing in disapproving apprehension, as Yorx suddenly sulked away from the mighty assemblage. At high noon he spoke for the first time in three weeks, proclaiming, "I have studied this machine. At first I thought I knew what it might do. Upon closer inspection, I realized I was completely wrong. Gaining a new perspective, I then saw a few things I had never seen. I began to think I was on the right track. Then, I had a personal stroke of brilliance, an amazing, insightful breakthrough, and am now more confused than I ever was before." Upon hearing this, the crowd grew disheartened, yet relieved. Yorx then spoke again. "I think... I just want to try to turn it on, and see what it can do. I just want to be here, and see it move with my own eyes." The entire town had gathered at this point, and it was at this point that the entire town gave out a low, synchronous gasp of excited terror. The circle of people around the machine expanded, as the residents of Bane receded in apprehension of this machine and its lone, self-appointed operator.

    The future at this moment was completely foreign to all experiencing it. It sparkled with an uneasy uncertainty that would never be felt or rivaled again in any of their lives.

    Yorx humbly, slowly, moved beneath the hugely-poised afternoon shadow of the great iron animal. He made his way to the control panel and positioned himself amongst the levers, gauges, fluid level hash marks and switches. He knew in part, what each lever and switch might do. His knowledge of machinery had to some extent, given him this, if any insight. He had in days previous, followed as best he could, the inner skeletal construction of how its delicate control panel interfaced with the mighty steel muscle of its outer framework. He had envisioned this moment for a long, long time, and now, he was here.

He paused, momentarily.

    He chose his favorite lever, depressed the brass handle and pulled firmly down. There was a clanking deep inside, but nothing else happened. He then pulled his second choice and flipped the switch in which he was most interested. There again was a clank, clank. But the iron giant still begrudgingly sat silent, eerily motionless, frozen and silent. It was in this strange moment that the fabulous machine gave up its first secret.

    Centered just above the entire control panel a flip-up, switch-covering clicked slightly ajar. This cover had been quite well concealed and seemed to be built somewhat as an afterthought to the rest of the central mechanism. Yorx, though he had examined this machine more closely, too closely, than he had ever really examined anything else in his whole life, had never noticed this small device before. He immediately reached up, flipped open the covering, and froze in amazement. Another gasp bolted through the town audience. Beneath the drab, gray cover was a bright-as-blood, red button. In contrast to the rest of the metallic sheen, of the shiny machine, this was absolutely shocking in appearance. Some later would say it was this discovery that seemed to give Yorx instant insight into the heart of the machine's ultimate purpose.

    Then Jord Yorx, the man who had come to this place from somewhere out in the horrible seven corners of the old country, and enamored this machine with every ounce of his inspiration, expertise and strength, turned to face the restless residents of the Province of Bane, with a strangely calm expression on his face, and spoke one final time: "What is the function of existence?" With this, he smiled, turned, put his finger squarely on the circle, precisely on the smooth center, and gently, yet firmly, pushed this beckoning button.

    At first, there was no sound, no movement, no reaction at all, save that now the entire control panel was illuminated in most beautiful hues of different colors of blinking lights. Then, from down below, practically in the ground, there arose a deep, heavy hum. This humming increased in pitch and volume, and as it did, other frequencies joined it from unseen, cast-iron organs buried within its tangles of elbow-joints and L-braces.

    The entire surroundings began to vibrate in thick waves of rising and falling amplitude. Windows on adjacent streets to the machine shattered their panes in numeric succession, as these low frequencies steadily mounted, breaking in peals over the pitched roofs. It was later noted that certain fine crystals in the homes of aristocrats, many, many miles away began to resonate, and ring in wondrous independence. When the whining had reached a high, almost unbearable pitch, a distinct, rhythmic pattern unfolded from out the dissonance, as the machine began to tremble and shift upon its once-steadfast foundation. Whirring, seemingly out of control, it now outstretched numerous powerful iron limbs in an amazing display of its fabulous design.

    It became a rotating blur of plates and pistons, springs and pinions; ballasts, billowing beneath bundled bodices of gears, grinding solidly against the steel circumferences of spherical ball bearings rolling through perfectly smoothed, cylindrical bores. It really began winding itself up, aligning its long, hammer like appendages in an expansive, final reach toward the sky. It posed for one, brief, glorious moment in this position, gathering its last gargantuan grasp of momentum. It then sprung this immense, tension filled mass forward and downward, snapping in an all encompassing, brutally beautiful, hammering embrace, obliterating the small, smiling, bewildered person manning its controls. So quick was this movement once unleashed, and so powerful the blow that ensued, that there was not one thing left of the lone operator, Yorx, as the machine cried and whined in a lethargic, wind-down into the posture of its original position.

    This, death, was the ultimate function of the Fabulous Machine. It was built with an expert, perfect precision. And now, without a doubt, everyone learned the cruel, deadly lesson of its bizarre end result. This menacing presence was felt in every movement. It echoed in the houses, in social interactions and in the bedrooms very late at night. All the residents had a strange respect for it, for it was more horribly beautiful than anything anyone had ever created anywhere in the Province of Bane thus far. It sat silently there, untouched, alone in the center of Town Square, with its frozen, iron grimace. It was a machine, a fantastic, fabulous machine. A most curious and controversial contraption.